Ilminster Midsummer Experience (IMEx)
IMEx returns again on Friday 6th until Sunday 8th June 2025
Since the first IMEx in 2008 the annual event has been held during the 2nd weekend in June. More than 20 events and activities include concerts, exhibitions, the Classic Vehicle Show, the Food & Crafts market, the Family Dog Show, and the famous Flag Festival decorates the town centre buildings with over 100 flags
IMEx Programme
28th April, May to the 23rd June
Throughout IMEx Friday 6th – Sunday 8th June
History Trail
Scarecrow Competition
Photography Competition
Friday 6th June
Ilminster Art Centre Performance
Ilminster Art Centre Exhibition
Saturday 7th June
Ilminster Art Centre Exhibition
The Food and Craft Market
Suitcase Market
Community Drive
Street Entertainment
Pop-up Art Exhibition
Cream Tea At The Minster
Nyanza Masonic Lodge
Swap Shop
Sunday 8th June
Classic Vehicle Show
Lunch on the Rec
Family Fun Dog Show
Three Peaks Walk
Ilminster Tennis Club
Ilminster Bowling Club
Face Painting
Children’s Fun Fair
Food Court
Activities on the Rec
Brass Band Concert
Ilminster Majorettes
Strolling Garage Sale