Ilminster has Events, Activities and Happenings taking place throughout the year.. For What’s On, check the Community Calendar for details of the many Events and Activities in Ilminster & Area
Some are special days and happenings of the many local <Community Groups>, other are larger events such as
- the Ilminster Midsummer Experience (IMEx), the 4-day summer Festival in early June, incl the Classic Vehicle Show
- the Christmas Festival, in November, including the Victorian Evening/Christmas Light switch-on
- Carnival
Experience Ilminster (Exil), as a supportive umbrella community organisation, organises and is involved in/with several annual events in Ilminster and supports many others..
The main Events in which Exil is involved:
Victorian Evening & Christmas Lights
Ilminster Town Crier Competition
Britain’s Disabled Strongman Competition
Ilminster Midsummer Experience (IMEx) incl Classic Vehicle Show
..more details of Exil Events ..
Ilminster Midsummer Experience (IMEx)
IMEx is the four-day second week-end in June celebration as a Festival for community activities and groups in Ilminster
(Although Covid-restrictions have ended/changed for public gatherings in 2022 to keep everyone Covid-safe at IMEx 2022 we ask everyone to act responsibly and if required to comply with any remaining Government restrictions such as keeping social distancing, wearing a mask if less than 2m apart and using hand-sanitising where appropriate)
Have fun while staying safe!
The annual Flag Festival takes place in the four weeks up to the weekend of IMEX in early-June with flags/banners flying on more than 100 buildings in town centre
Ilminster is fortunate that the town’s medieval road layout, which hugs closely to the 15th century Minster church, dramatically emphasises the effect of the flags and brings vibrancy and colour to the town
The Flag Festival grew out of an idea from one of the town’s artists and a flag-maker was commissioned to work with children from Greenfylde School to design the original 20 flags. These were so successful that the following year we invited businesses to contribute to their own flag and the majority of businesses in town now have a flag – some even have two!
The aim of Somerset Day is to help inspire pride in our historic county and all it has to offer so that everyone can relish and enjoy the stunning countryside, historic cities, abundant produce, amazing businesses, the festival culture and the rich heritage of the county historically known as ‘the land of the summer people’
Ilminster Town Crier Competition
Ilminster town centre rings to the sound of the costumed Town Criers, men and women, making their calls to the public – oyez, oyez, oyez !
Britain’s Disabled Strongman Competition
Inspired by the World’s Strongest Disabled Man event, participants undertake six individual disciplines including truck pulling, weight lifting and endurance during the event, competing to win the Arnar Már Jónsson trophy