What is Team Ilminster?
Ilminster has a brilliant community spirit with many people willing to lend a hand to local good causes when asked. Team Ilminster is an organisation that puts local good causes in touch with willing volunteers.
Team Ilminster is Ilminster’s Community support team. Whatever your age or skills, interests or time limitations, you can make your time and skill available for helping with tasks as wide-ranging as marshalling or helping to put up tents at an event, manning a cake stall, litter picking, driving a car to take someone to the doctors, providing administrative support, planning co-ordination or project management, helping to design a poster or updating and maintaining a website or any of a myriad other task.
How TI works
- Local good causes contact the Team Ilminster administration describing the help they need, such as 4 people to help run a stall on a specific date and place.
- Team Ilminster administration circulates this request via a “Shout Out” to Team Ilminster members.
- If TI members are interested and available they get in touch directly with the good cause to confirm requirements.
For TI members it is simple, anonymous, with no embarrassment if the Shout Out is declined.
For good causes it provides a way to reach a group of people who have expressed a willingness to help when they can.
How to become a TI member
To sign up as a TI Member you can complete this form.
Request for Volunteers
Event Organisers simply complete this contact form to get in touch with Team Ilminster administrators who will contact TI members with your requirements. TI members will get it touch with you directly. TI administrators may have some questions before forwarding your request. Organisers will be responsible for Health and Safety issues.