How to Enter Your Classic Vehicle


We’re hugely grateful for the fantastic support we’ve had from classic vehicle owners over many years and we look forward to welcoming you back to our events this year.

Despite the soaring costs of running both the Ilminster Experience Classic Car Show and Classics @ Party on the Park, we’ve resisted the idea of charging classic vehicle owners for exhibiting their pride and joy in favour of our long-held philosophy of asking you to make a donation towards the cost of putting on the events. Despite increasing costs we’re suggesting that the minimum donation should remain at £3 per vehicle which we hope you don’t think unreasonable for a great day out with lots of other things to do and enjoy on offer.

Entering the shows

To cut our costs we are no longer asking you to pre-book your attendance at the shows. In fact, to manage costs, if you’re a car or motorcycle owner you don’t need to pre-book at all: just turn-up on the day. However, the capacity of the show site is limited and it could mean that late-comers are turned away because the site is already full. That’s why we suggest that you should arrive between 08.30 and 10.00.

Groups – If you want to have a group or club stand, would the group leader please contact us on  least 14 days before the show so that we can reserve you an appropriate area.

Commercial & Agricultural Vehicles – If you’re planning on bringing this type of vehicle to the Ilminster Experience Classic Vehicle Show please contact us in advance on [email protected] or 01460 259547 so that we can ensure sufficient space is available. Please note that, unfortunately, we cannot accommodate commercial or agricultural vehicles at Classics @ Party on the Park.

Media Information

Because we no longer ask you to pre-book a space at the shows, we also have no idea what’s going to turn-up. While this is scary and exciting in equal measure, if you do plan to bring something unique, unusual or headline grabbing, please drop us an email to [email protected] so that we can pass this information on to the media.

Getting to the Site

There are direction arrows around town to help you find the Recreation Ground if you’re unfamiliar with Ilminster. Please follow those direction arrows to the entrance to the Recreation Ground which is on The Mead, Ilminster, TA19 0EY. NOTE: There is a one-way system that you must follow.

Paying us

As we’ve explained above, we don’t charge you to attend the show but we do ask for a suggested minimum donation of £3 per vehicle to help cover our costs. We’d appreciate it if you could bring your donation in cash ready to pop in the bucket as you enter the site. This old- fashioned approach is far quicker than taking card payments and speeds-up entry to the site and minimises inconvenience to you and residents of traffic queues. However, if you do forget to bring cash, we will still be able to take your donation by debit or credit card.

Judging Forms

When you arrive you will be handed a judging form. The front of this form should be completed by you so please remember to bring your own pen or pencil to fill in your details. The form will be collected by the judges as they walk around. Please leave it in an obvious position on your vehicle if you are not with the vehicle.


The organisers of the Ilminster Experience Classic Vehicle Show, Experience Ilminster Community Interest Company and the site owners, Ilminster Town Council, wish to ensure that these events are enjoyed safely by all those attending. We therefore ask that you observe the following conditions:

  1. The owners and drivers of the vehicle exhibited must be covered by a current Third Party insurance policy, including exhibitor use. A copy of this policy or cover note must be made available for inspection by authorised show officials if requested.
  2. Owners must ensure that drivers are fully competent and have a valid and appropriate driving licence for the type of vehicle exhibited.
  3. No vehicle or any moving component must be allowed to operate while the exhibit is unattended. Any vehicle or exhibit left unattended must be immobilised and any hazards removed.
  4. A maximum speed of 5 mph applies to all vehicles and exhibits on the show site. Any exhibitor exceeding the speed limit will be asked to leave.
  5. All owners and drivers must obey the instructions of show marshals and not inconvenience or endanger any persons or animals on any part of the show site. Any behaviour deemed inappropriate by the organisers will result in the offender being asked to leave the site.
  6. Owners and drivers are responsible for their own personal effects and display items. The show organisers do not accept any responsibility for the loss or damage of any such items.
  7. Vehicles should enter the site by the designated entrance between 09.00 and 10.00 and, once parked, should not be moved before 15.00 unless supervised by a marshal.
  8. All entries to the show are accepted at the organisers’ discretion.

Privacy Notice

Data protection laws mean we need your permission to stay in touch. Be assured that your privacy is important to us. We’ll always keep your details secure and we’ll never pass them to others to use for marketing communications. These details will be used to let you know about future Ilminster Experience classic vehicle shows.  You can always change your mind about whether to receive information from us and unsubscribe by contacting us at[email protected].